
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Caramelized Fennel and Walnut Chevre Crepes with Fennel Beet Slaw

When I was in highschool, I remember being in French class, and making crepes.  We filled them with sweet things like jam, whipped cream and chocolate, and they were delicious.  They are simple to make, and I love the fact that they can be filled with whatever you wish!  Sadly as an adult I think I have made crepes only about 4 times.  I decided that tonight they would be on my menu because it had been far too long.  These crepes however were not to be filled with sweet things, but savory.  I had a couple of beautiful fennel bulbs in my fridge, and decided they would be perfect to showcase in the crepes. 

For the filling I caramelized them along with some shallots, and added a bit of fresh rosemary, garlic, and lemon, as well as some toasted walnuts and chevre for protein and a bit of richness.  The filling was delicious, and was even more so when wrapped in the eggy delicate crepes!  It had everything, smooth chevre, crunchy walnuts, caramelly fennel!  I decided to throw together a fennel beet slaw to go with it as well, not being one to skimp on the veggies at any meal, and it provided a nice acidity to balance out the rich savory crepes.   It all came together in less than an hour, but if I were only eating it and not preparing it I would have expected that it took much longer.  I felt like I was enjoying something from an upscale restaurant without leaving my home.  I think it is always more satisfying to enjoy delicious food when you have prepared it yourself!  Here is the recipe if you would like to try it!

Caramelized Fennel, Walnut, and Chevre Crepes with Fennel Beet Slaw
Serves 3

3 large organic eggs
1 cup goat milk
1 Tbsp melted Earth Balance butter, or organic butter
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/4 tsp sea salt
Additional Earth balance for cooking crepes

1 Tbsp olive oil
2 large fennel bulbs, sliced
2 large shallots, sliced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 Tbsp fresh rosemary, minced
2 tsp lemon zest
juice of one lemon
8 oz chevre
1 cup toasted walnuts
sea salt
freshly ground pepper

1 large fennel bulb, thinly shaved
1 cooked beet, diced very small
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp riesling vinegar
1 tsp honey
sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

To make crepes, buzz together all ingredients in a food processor (or whisk), cover and set aside in the fridge for an hour.  When ready to make crepes, re-whisk batter, and it should be about the consistency of heavy cream (if not, thin with a little milk).  Heat crepe pan, or medium non-stick skillet over medium heat.  Wipe pan with Earth balance to grease, and pour about 2 1/2 Tbsp batter into the pan.  Swirl to create a thin crepe, and let cook for about 1 minute, and flip crepe over to cook other side.  Place finished crepes on a plate, separating with parchment while you cook the remaining crepes (you should have 9).  When crepes have finished cooking, wipe out pan (if saute pan) and add 1 Tbsp olive oil, fennel, shallots, and saute until starting to caramelize about 8 minutes.  Add garlic, fresh rosemary, and saute another minute until fragrant.  Add lemon juice, zest, chevre and walnuts, and continue to cook until chevre melts and coats filling.  Add sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste, and set aside.  To make slaw, combine all ingredients in a bowl, and toss to coat.  To plate, fill each crepe with about 2 heaping Tbsp filling in the bottom left corner.  Fold in half, then again to form a triangle.  Place on plate, and repeat with another so you have 3 on each plate.  Repeat with remaining crepes, and spoon a bit of slaw onto each plate. 


  1. That's funny I also always think of the sweet side of crepes but you are right they are just as lovely in a savory presentation.

  2. Wow this looks delicious! Especially love that caramelized fennel. Yum!

  3. WOW. I love posts such as this that make me want to try new flavors and new ingredients!! Such a unique recipe!! Fabulous job :)
